Get all subdirs

Tim Peters tim.peters at
Sun Aug 29 11:17:11 EDT 2004

[Florian Lindner]
> how can I get all subdirectories of a given directory. os.listdir(dir)
> doesn't differentiate between directories and files, os.walk seems to me a
> bit overkill since it also descends in the subdirs.

os.walk() is a generator -- it doesn't descend into anything unless
you resume it.  That's the usual case, but you don't need to resume

def subdirs(dir):
    "Return list of the subdirectories of dir."
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
        return dirs

works fine, or, perhaps more obscurely,

def subdirs(dir):
    "Return list of the subdirectories of dir."
    return os.walk(dir).next()[1]

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