would be nice: import from archive

Steve Christensen stnchris at xmission.com
Tue Aug 31 19:25:31 EDT 2004

In article <1gj8848.1bouuroizku25N%aleaxit at yahoo.com>, Alex Martelli wrote:
> Benjamin Niemann <pink at odahoda.de> wrote:
>    ...
>> Isn't the purpose of signatures that the importing program can trust the
>> module? If it's implemented as you suggest, an attacker could just 
>> inject path to an unsigned module into PYTHONPATH to fool a program. How
> If the attacker is able to alter sys.path then it does not matter
> whether zipfiles are even considered -- the attacker could simply
> position a .pyc file early on the path.
>> about something like
>> require_signature('mymodule')
>> import mymodule
> This could be made to work, but only if _every_ module was so checked
> before importing it; otherwise, even just one unchecked module could
> easily subvert __import__ or other aspects of the import hook mechanism.
> So, if you're considering this approach, it makes more sense to switch
> on module checking globally in an early phase of Python's startup
> (because Python starts importing modules pretty early indeed).  New
> conventions will also be needed for signature of .py, .pyc, .pyo, and
> .so (or other binary DLLoid files containing Python extensions).

It doesn't look like anyone has mentioned the Python Cryptography
Toolkit in this thread yet. (I have no affiliation with said project)


http://www.amk.ca/python/writing/pycrypt/pycrypt.html :

    7.2 Demo 2: secimp and sign 

    secimp demonstrates an application of the Toolkit that may be useful
    if Python is being used as an extension language for mail and Web
    clients: secure importing of Python modules. To use it, run sign.py
    in a directory with several compiled Python files present. It will
    use the key in testkey.py to generate digital signatures for the
    compiled Python code, and save both the signature and the code in a
    file ending in ".pys". Then run python -i secimp.py, and import a
    file by using secimport. 

    For example, if foo.pys was constructed, do secimport('foo'). The
    import should succeed. Now fire up Emacs or some other editor, and
    change a string in the code in foo.pys; you might try changing a
    letter in the name of a variable. When you run secimport('foo'), it
    should raise an exception reporting the failed signature. If you
    execute the statement __import__ = secimport, the secure import will
    be used by default for all future module imports. Alternatively, if
    you were creating a restricted execution environment using rexec.py,
    you could place secimport() in the restricted environment's
    namespace as the default import function. 


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