Python indentation deters newbies?

Ed Suominen ed-no at
Fri Aug 13 13:33:47 EDT 2004

Dave Brueck wrote:

> beliavsky at wrote:
>> One of the most commmon reasons programmers cite for not trying Python
>> is that indentation determines the program flow -- they think its
>> weird.
> Yes, that is commonly cited. From the programmer's perspective,
> indentation implies program flow in nearly *all* modern languages. The
> difference is that in Python the compiler believes you.
>> I think programmers who actually try Python adapt quickly and
>> do not find the indentation rules to be a problem.
> Yep!

Exactly true in my case:

Day 1: "Wow, that's weird, but I guess I'll give it a try."
Day 2: "Hey, this is cool, and the code looks a LOT cleaner without all of
those braces strewn around."
Day 3: "Of COURSE whitespace is part of the code. It's part of the source
file, duh!"

Ed Suominen
Registered Patent Agent
Open-Source Software Author (yes, both...)
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