Why I love python.

Nick Patavalis npat at efault.net
Sat Aug 14 17:09:48 EDT 2004

On 2004-08-13 Dave Brueck <dave at pythonapocrypha.com> wrote:
> Having said that, the cases where it is too slow make up a small
> (and shrinking) portion of the total amount of development going
> on. As such, better performance is always welcome, but it won't
> benefit as many people and as much as other things can. IOW, anytime
> you say, "wouldn't it be great if Python were faster?" you can
> easily get everybody to respond, "sure!" - everybody's on board with
> you there. It's when you try to fit it into the list of priorities
> that you'll find that there are other things higher on the
> list. Higher because they provide more benefit overall and/or to the
> people who are interesting in helping out

I believe there is no point to continue our little "fight", or we risk
becoming repetive and boring. Our arguments have, I think, become
clear, and only time will tell who was right and who was wrong; if
after-all the is a "right" and a "wrong" side in this argument.

So lets drop it here, and wish the best for the language we both enjoy
programming in.


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