Python MySQL API and date data type

Aaron Bingham bingham at
Fri Aug 27 02:58:03 EDT 2004

Yong Wang wrote:

>>   We have a database system. In the database, we have an 
>>attribute called date0, which contains date data (format:
>>i. e. 2004-08-12). I wrote a script to fetch the data
>>in a specified time period:
>>for exaplme:
>>date1 = raw_input('start date ')
>>date2 = raw_input('end date ')
>>ie.  date1 = '2004-08-12'
>>     date2 = '2004-08-20'
>>run  = ('SELECT * FROM account WHERE (date0 >= date1) and (date0 <= date2)')
>>data = dbh[runn]
You are getting database columns and Python variables confused.  I am 
not familiar with MySQLdb in particular, so I may have a couple details 
wrong, but you probably meant something like this:

data = db.query('SELECT * FROM account WHERE (date0 >= %s) and (date0 <= 
%s)', (date1, date2))

This will substitute the *values* of the Python variables date1 and 
date2 into the query for you.


Aaron Bingham
Application Developer
Cenix BioScience GmbH

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