Is it possible to write a DLL using python

AMD amdescombes at
Wed Aug 18 07:27:12 EDT 2004

Actually what I need to do is write a DLL which exports a single stdCall 
method named Execute which receives an IDispatch interface to the caller 
as its only parameter:

Here is the equivalent Delphi declaration of the method I need to export :

procedure Execute(caller IDispatch); stdcall;

I will take a look at Pyrex and Py2Exe and see if they can help me.



> Not directly, but yes, using libpython. Essentially you write your
> python code and then a thin C wrapper over it that does datatype and
> calling convention conversion. Since this is not a pleasant task for
> many people, you might take a look at Pyrex, which does this quite
> nicely. Generally Pyrex is considered as a way to wrap C code for use
> but Python, but it works just as well the other way.
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 03:44:50PM +0200, AMD wrote:
>>I need to write a Win32 DLL and I would like to use Python instead of 
>>VB, C++ or Delphi. Is this possible?
>>Thank you,
>>Andre M. Descombes

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