EOL - scanning single-quoted string

Ajay Brar abra9823 at mail.usyd.edu.au
Wed Aug 4 11:09:23 EDT 2004

Christopher T King wrote:

>On Wed, 4 Aug 2004, Ajay wrote:
>>i got the escape character bit, but i still get an error
>>>>>str='/My Documents/um_ajay.xml'
>>>>>re.subn('/', '\\', str)
>Ah... regex quoting issues.  The '\\' makes a single '\' appear in the 
>string, but being a regex, a single '\' in a string is again interpreted 
>as a backslash.  You will either have to write '\\\\' or use a raw string, 
>r'\\'.  Raw strings pass backslashes untouched, so you only need to 
>backslash it once for the regex.
>However, the best solution for your problem is not to use regexes, but to 
>use the os.path module:
>>>>from os.path import normpath, abspath
>>>>str = '/My Documents/um_ajay.xml'
>'\\My Documents\\um_ajay.xml'
>'C:\\My Documents\\um_ajay.xml'
>normpath() 'tidies up' the path, a task which includes correcting path 
>seperators, amoung other things.  abspath() does the same thing as 
>normpath(), but also resolves relative paths into absolute ones.  Always 
>look to os.path when doing anything involving paths; it probably has the 
>function you want, and is portable across platforms.
thanks. works well now

Ajay Brar
CS Honours 2004
Smart Internet Technology Research Group


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