Purely emotional perspective

Arthur ajsiegel at optonline.com
Mon Aug 9 19:52:12 EDT 2004

>I'm particularly worried about the proposals of using this as metadata 
>for things like author -- that seems to be begging for almost every 
>function to use half a dozen or more decorators (accepts, returns, 
>author, design date, last revision date, etc., etc.) which will (IMO) 
>seriously degrade code readability.  (This syntax is okay for one or two 
>decorators, but more than that quickly becomes obfuscatory.)

But isn't that so of any of the alternative syntaxes.  Looks to me as
if it is." Looks" as in "that is what my eyes tell me".

Only more restriction on the use of decorators - which doesn't seem to
be in the spirit of what decorators are about -or more support outside
of the @decorator framework for the common cases mitigates this issue.

Guido made the point today that at some point Python will have
optional static typing, and at that point a class of anticipated
common use cases for @decorator will be obsoleted.  But that some
point is Python3000, which is anybodies guess when.

Perhaps Python is a bit pre-pubescent. and will need to endure a few
ugly years - as many of us ourselves did.

I, for one, turned out beautiful in the end.


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