Integers have docstring for int()

Gandalf gandalf at
Wed Aug 11 09:46:02 EDT 2004

>I accidentally discovered that all the basic types in Python have
>docstrings that describe the functions to create them. For integers,
>you get:
Acually, they are not functions. They are built-in types. For example, 
try  this:

Python 2.3.3 (#1, Mar  8 2004, 14:26:02)
[GCC 3.3.3 [FreeBSD] 20031106] on freebsd5
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> int
<type 'int'>

It is not a function but a type. I believe one of the most wanted 
changes in the language is about
unfying built-in types and (new-style) classes. A built-in type is not a 
class. However, it is very similar.
If you 'call' it, it acts as a constructor and creates an object of that 
type. It is the same with these:


and probably many others.

>Similarly, (1.0).__doc__ gives the docstring for float(), "".__doc__
>gives it for str(), [].__doc__ gives it for list(), and {}.__doc__
>gives it for dict().
>This seems a little unexpected to me; is there any particular reason
>for this behaviour?
Of course. For example, the literal


is an integer object. Integer objects inherit all their methods and 
attributes from their base class.
Acually, they are objects of built-in types but it is almost the same. I 
think that this is very cool.



   L 2.0

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