Mixing classes...

Ivan Voras ivoras at __-geri.cc.fer.hr
Thu Aug 19 17:43:30 EDT 2004

Is this possible:

class C1:
	def somemethods(self):
		"""methods do stuff, create member variables"""

def f1():
	"""function returns instances of C1, somewhat manipulated into specific 
	return C1()

class C2(C1): # C2 derives from C1
	def othermethods(self):
		"""new methods are introduced, but no new member variables (they work 
on existing ones)"""

# So far, everything's ok. Now, i want to create instance of
# C1 using f1:

c = f1()  # could be equal to "c=C1()", but not always...

# ... and somehow "add" or "overlay" the additional methods
# declared in C2 on the object "c". I tried this:


c.othermethods() # fails here, is confused about what is 'self'

While this is probably considered "strange", and it's certainly not good 
design style, I somehow feel it could be possible to do in python. Any 

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