Larry Wall & Cults

Rob Warnock rpw3 at
Sun Aug 29 00:14:55 EDT 2004

| jdoherty at nowhere.null.not (John Doherty) wrote:
| Eight.  Now talk about indenting skip returns...that one
| required blood transfusions.  [emoticon looks at list of n.g.]
| I guess not many will understand.
You might be surprised, Barb. Quite a few of the comp.lang.lisp crew 
are former PDP-10 geeks.  ;-}
And just to be sure *I'm* understanding what you're talking about,  ;-}
did you mean the convention of the second line of the following snippet?
    foo:    pushj   p,ckperm
	     pjrst  badprm          ; user lacks privs, complain & return.
	    movei   t0,cmdblk       ; o.k. to proceed.

Indenting the non-skip return for a subroutine call was always pretty 
clear to me. Where things got really muddled (and contentious!) was 
when you had long skip chains of T{R,L}{Z,O,C,~}{N,E} instructions 
in which whether a particular instruction was in the skipped-to or 
non-skipped position depended dynamically on the flow of control 
above it. [HAKMEM was chock-full of that kind of "efficient" code.]
In that case, it seemed more readable to simply not indent anything in
the skip chain, and put a scary comment warning about the tricky code.


Rob Warnock			<rpw3 at>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607

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