Python secure?

F. Petitjean littlejohn.75 at
Sun Aug 15 11:53:42 EDT 2004

On Sun, 15 Aug 2004 15:10:07 +0100, Calvin <noone at> wrote:
> Sorry I should have said I'm new to programming let alone Python. I wish to
> know whether Python is secure as an exe for a commercial product. i.e. can
> someone see your code more easily than in say using another language. We're
> not talking financial / security type software here just a basic windows
> app.
to be clear   commercial product == some software  (you said exe) which
is delivered and can run only if "the client" has paid some amount.
and in your mind   secure == someone cannot easily see the code
it is the archetypical (sp?) definition of "security by obscurity"

 Since you are new to prograaming (and to python) let me explain that
for me python is a opensource language/system and as such the main goal
is not to have the most obscure code :-) (it is rather difficult to
create hard to read python code)

 And do you know that there is more than just "a basic windows app" ?
How do you explain that a system such as Debian exists ?
( ) The "applications" are not called exe, do they
run or not ?
> Thanks

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