Newbie 1st program

Ed Suominen ed-no at
Mon Aug 16 15:43:53 EDT 2004

Peter Hansen wrote:

> (Congratulations, though.  After six weeks of programming I'm
> quite sure I wasn't capable of writing anything that would
> have been worth posting to Sourceforge, had it existed at
> the time.)

Congratulation from me, too. After six weeks of programming, I'm also quite
sure I wasn't capable of writing anything that would have been worth
posting anywhere, had there been any means to do so other than saving it to
the tape drive. :-)

Sadly, it took about 95% of my programming lifetime before object-oriented
programming came along and I (much later) truly realized what a wonder it

Ed Suominen
Registered Patent Agent
Open-Source Software Author (yes, both...)
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