Generic constructors and duplication of internal Python logic

John J. Lee jjl at
Wed Apr 14 18:41:33 EDT 2004

This is one of those things that I can't quite believe I've never
needed to do before.

I've got a set classes, each of which has a set of attributes that all
behave very similarly.  So, I have a class attribute (Blah.attr_spec
below), which is used by a mixin class to implement various methods
that would otherwise be highly repetitious across these classes.  I'd
like to do the same for the constructor, to avoid this kind of

class Blah(NamesMixin):
    attr_spec = ["foo", "bar", "baz",
                 ("optional1", None), ("optional2", None)]
    def __init__(self, foo, bar, baz,
                 optional1=None, optional2=None):,, self.baz = \
                   foo, bar, baz
        self.optional1, self.optional2 = \
                        optional1, optional2

So, I wrote a mixin class whose __init__ looks at the attr_spec
attribute, and uses args and kwds (below) to assign attributes in the
same sort of way as the special-case code above:

class ArgsMixin:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        # set attributes based on arguments passed in, as done
        # manually in Blah.__init__, above
        ... lots of logic already present in Python goes here...

That immediately leads to duplication of Python's internal logic: I
have to check things like:

 -are there too many positional arguments?
 -any unexpected keyword arguments?
 -multiple keyword arguments?
 -any duplication between positional and keyword arguments?


Surely there's some easy way of making use of Python's internal logic
here?  For some reason, I can't see how.  Can anybody see a way?


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