Socket error: 10053 software caused connection abort

David M. Cooke cookedm+news at
Thu Apr 15 17:38:28 EDT 2004

At some point, "Jean-Pierre Bergamin" <james at> wrote:

> Hi Irmen
>> But this code is flawed: recv() CAN return less than block_size,
>> *even* if there is more data to be read on the socket.
>> So, you should not check if the length of the received chunk
>> is less than the length argument passed to recv().
>> Instead, you should count the total number of bytes you
>> received and check that with the expected total amount.
> But how can I know the amout of data I will receive? There's no way to do
> that, since it's totally random how large the sent data will be.

You don't know, unless you send the size (like HTTP with the
Content-length: header), or have some way of knowing when
you're done (like SMTP or IMAP, which use CR-LF to signify the end of
the line).

|David M. Cooke

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