How to kill a SocketServer?

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Tue Apr 13 03:24:43 EDT 2004

> Since the whole application uses much CPU power, the performance (esp. the
> reaction time) of an asynchronous server is too low.
> We found out that a threading server is much the better choise for this, but
> we'd need a way to stop a server and start it again (wich new parameters).

That is very interesting.

After doing some research into heavily multi-threaded servers in Python 
a few years back, I discovered that for raw throughput, a properly 
written async server could do far better than a threaded one.

If your request processing takes the most time, you may consider a 
communication thread and a processing thread.

If your processing thread does a lot of waiting on a database or 
something else, it may make sense to have one communication thread, and 
a handful of database query threads.

What part of a request takes up the most time?

  - Josiah

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