How to get value of parent class

Jean-Pierre Bergamin james at
Mon Apr 12 16:40:37 EDT 2004

Joe Mason wrote:

>> I have the following class structure:
>> class MyServer:
>>     x= 0
>>     class MyHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):
>>         def handle(self):
>>             if x: # <---- How to get the X from the parent class?
>>                   # Or how to pass a value to this class anyway?
>>                 do_something()
> Just say "MyServer.x".

Hmmm. The TCPServer class instanciates a new
SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler object everytime it uses it. Therefore
it's not in the context of the MyServer class. That's why it didn't work.

It's like in this example:

class A:
 x = 0

 class B:
  def get_x(self):
   print A.x

a = A()
a.x = 10
b = a.B()
b.get_x() # prints out 0 (not 10 as someone might expect)

As a workaroud it did it this way:

def start_server(self):
        handler = self.MyHandler
        handler.x = self.x
        s = SocketServer.TCPServer(('', 1234), handler)

But thanks for the hint.


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