GUI Frameworks in Python?

DH no at
Tue Apr 6 11:06:34 EDT 2004

Greg Ewing wrote:
>> Is the event handling in PyGTK cleaner/better than wxPython?
> The basic idea is fairly similar in both, but event handlers
> ("signal handlers" in Gtk terminology) seem more straightforward
> to set up in PyGtk. In wxPython, for example, you have to get the
> ID number of the widget and pass that to an event-binding function;
> in PyGtk, you just pass the widget itself.
> That's just one example of how the PyGtk API is simpler. It might
> not sound like much, but lots of little things like that add up
> to make me like PyGtk much better.

I know, I can't believe wxPython doesn't use a simpler API for things 
like event binding rather than just sticking to the C++ api so closely. 
  That's why people are creating their own wrappers to wxPython now. 
It's ridiculous.  And yes, I know event binding was made slightly 
simpler for 2.5.  2.5 also takes some steps backwards, in the name of 
being more like the C++ api.

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