Why we will use obj$func() often

Mark Hahn mark at prothon.org
Wed Apr 28 04:00:13 EDT 2004

Greg Ewing wrote:

>   outer x = y + outer z

It's not that I don't like the looks, it's just that I've never seen a
keyword used that way before in Python, have you?  I think that would be a
big change for such a small usage case.

My symbol usage is a big change also, but consistent across the board.  If
we made that change, one could argue we'd need to do the same replacement
for all my symbols.  So we'd be looking at things like this?

outer x = y + global Cmp(global MAX_HGT, h) + self x
move(self ofsx, self ofsy)
if global Cmp(a,b) < 0:
        self z = global Z_MIN + outer firstZAttr

I think this would make the language very unwieldy.  This is kind of like
Cobol,. the opposite of Perl.  Don't you agree?

I guess the whole problem is my insistence on simple scope indentification
by looking at the variable.  It causes the var to need to be tagged.

I feel strongly that the Python mixture of declaration (global), default
(where assigned) and broken (closures) is broken overall and has to be fixed
in Prothon.  I take this as a given.  So I see these possible solutions:

1) My Ruby-like symbols, which I think are readable and fast-compilable.

2) Word-like symbols, which are large, less readable (too me) and

3) Declarations, which cause the compiler and user to look around and are
not Pythonic.

Am I missing any other solutions?

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