Escaping characters in MySQLdb query

Michael Walter cm at
Mon Apr 12 20:07:53 EDT 2004

Sean Berry wrote:
> I wrote a little script that is inserting thousands of records into a mysql
> database.
> How do I escape characters like ' in my insert statements?
> I have something like the following (much shorter) example:
> c.execute("INSERT INTO records (var1, var2) values ('%s', '%s')"   %(value1,
> value2))
> My problem is when value1 is something like "Tom's auto supply".  The ' in
> Tom's needs to be escaped.  How can I do this?
> Thanks.
I suppose you do like:

c.execute("INSERT INTO records (var1, var2) values ('%s', '%s')", 

and have all magic done for you.


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