Unable to launch IDLE

Hans Nowak hans at zephyrfalcon.org
Sat Apr 3 23:38:40 EST 2004

Scott Miller wrote:
> I am new to Python (and programming in general).
> I have downloaded and installed the Windows installer version of Python 2.3.
> The Python (Command line) runs fine, but I just get the hour glass for a few
> seconds then it bombs out when I try to run IDLE.
> OS Win2kPro SP4
> Please help me get started :)

Do you have any other application that uses Tcl/Tk?  E.g. Ruby, WordNet, maybe 
even an older version of Python?  Sometimes conflicting Tcl/Tk versions cause 
Python's Tkinter import to fail.

Hans (hans at zephyrfalcon.org)

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