Help with dates

Angelo Secchi secchi at
Wed Apr 14 12:50:15 EDT 2004

I have a dictionary, data, with the following structure:


[['18-07-1994', '283.000000', '292.500000', '27712168.000000']
 ['19-07-1994', '292.000000', '294.500000', '2492106.000000']
 ['20-07-1994', '294.000000', '294.500000', '4881451.000000']
 ['21-07-1994', '292.000000', '291.000000', '2183402.000000']
 ['22-07-1994', '293.000000', '291.000000', '889050.000000']	
 ['25-07-1994', '293.000000', '292.000000', '657931.000000']]

and I would like to create a "sort" of daily increments of, for example,
the second column (ex. 292-283). I say "sort" since I do not need to
consider week ends (i.e. I can consider them as one day) but I would
also like to check if, in my database, there are big time jumps and
possibly discard  corresponding increments. Where should I look for
hints in how to solve this task?

Thanks a lot,


 Angelo Secchi                     PGP Key ID:EA280337
  Current Position:
  Graduate Fellow Scuola Superiore S.Anna
  Piazza Martiri della Liberta' 33, Pisa, 56127 Italy
  ph.: +39 050 883365
  email: secchi at

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