os.path.dirname adds unremoveable spaces?

Jason asldfkjasldfj at asldfkjasldkfjasdf.com
Sat Apr 17 14:11:36 EDT 2004

That's some great info, thanks.  I never actually figured out what was 
adding the spaces, so I appreciate your explanation.  This is only my third 
day of Python.

> Just to add a couple of notes... You probably shouldn't be using the
> strip() function at all. What if the directory or filename does have
> leading or trailing spaces? Presumably you would want to keep those
> when constructing a full path.
> Also, you did figure out that it was the print statement adding the
> spaces, right? Try this test:
> print 'one', '/', 'two'
> and compare the results with this:
> print '%s/%s' %( 'one', 'two' )
> In the second example, you're giving a single argument to the print
> statement, a string that you've already formatted with the % operator.
> os.path.join is better for dealing with file paths, of course, but
> this will be useful for other things you might want to concatenate and
> format. 
> -Mike

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