Adding properties to objects

Matthew Barnes matthew at
Tue Apr 13 13:06:45 EDT 2004

Is it possible to add properties to objects dynamically?

I have an instance (x) of some new-style class (Foo), and I would like
to be able to do something like:

>>> x = Foo()
>>> x.myproperty = property(getsomething, setsomething, delsomething);
>>> x.myproperty        # invokes getsomething
>>> x.myproperty = 1    # invokes setsomething
>>> del x.myproperty    # invokes delsomething

However, when I evaluate x.myproperty I get back a property object
(which makes sense).  I get the feeling I'm missing a step to "bind"
the property object to the class instance.

Is this possible (it's Python... of course it's possible, right?), and
if so, how?

Matthew Barnes

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