command-line args

Michael mogmios at
Sat Apr 24 16:31:55 EDT 2004

>(Michael, I'm keeping this on the mailing list, if you don't
>mind.  I prefer not answering offline questions, unless the
>customer is a paying one. ;-)
Sorry, accidently used Reply instead of Reply-All.

>(This works because after the first import of a module inside an
>application, subsequent imports do *not* re-read the .py file,
>but simply get a reference to the already-imported module object
>from the sys.modules dictionary.)
Of course that turns out to work. Odd though because I'd swear I tried 
that in a project before and found it not working for me. Is that 
behavior new(ish) in Python? Or maybe I just messed up last time I tried 
and got it in my head that it wouldn't work that way.

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