slightly OT: BUT NEEDs to be said

Peter Hansen peter at
Mon Apr 5 11:32:52 EDT 2004

Nomen Nescio wrote:
> Hi I downloaded this document about Python recently:
> I loved the cute little Snake graphic.

Some people despise snakes, and are terrified of them.

> I think it would be great for behind Python to adopt this
> as an official mascot and DROP the god awful references to Monty Pythons's
> Flying Circus. It is the later which is causing a slow take up and reluctance
> of many individuals using Python. MPFC is a very very dated concept and because
> of it's strange whacky 'humour' has dubious extreme and loony left wing allegiences
> is not a good backdrop for Python. You should never bring politics into your
> product. 

Nor, perhaps, should you bring politics into your arguments, at least
not if you want to maintain credibility with a largely technical crowd.

> I quite like Python as a language (apart from the tabbing replacing curly brackets
> which I'm not sure about) 

So clearly you haven't used it even enough to get past this concern
about indentation, which generally goes away after only a few days
or perhaps weeks of use.  That hurts your credibility as well...

> and think it stands up well to Perl and PHP but I
> cannot abide the nauseating, puke enducing, gut-wrenching, toe-curling references

Please, stop, you're ranting and getting spittle on your keyboard.

Come back another time without the venomous, near-psychotic
aversion to a comedy troupe which many people actually *like*,
and try to make your point again.  You might get a better

If you've managed to read this far, which I doubt, then I want you
to know that you might actually have a point.  At least about the
Monty Python references not being a particular _strength_ in
promoting Python.  (Note how that was said in a positive manner
instead of a raving one?)  Nevertheless, you've just insulted a
very large number of the people who participate here frequently,
and you should think about how (in)effective that will make your


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