slightly OT: BUT NEEDs to be said

Gonçalo Rodrigues op73418 at
Tue Apr 6 06:12:49 EDT 2004

On Mon,  5 Apr 2004 21:50:07 +0200 (CEST), Nomen Nescio
<nobody at> wrote:

[some text snipped]

>Sorry if I was ranting but here is some more rant:
>People have very real reason to fear MPFC: Highly educated/wealthy family background/private
>school/Oxford/Cambridge people jumping about and acting 'zany' and coming up
>with all sorts of useless sketches designed to appeal strictly to the liberal-elite
>is a fairly repulsive artistic concept especially if you do not find the style
>of MPFC even remotely amusing.
>Unfortunately this formula (hiring these sorts of people) was to become the
>bed rock of BBC alternative comedy for years to come (Ben Elton, Steven Fry
>etc etc) and remember people in the UK did not have the choice about this crap
>as it came out of their licence fee (that is another subject)
>So anyway I don't see quite those sorts of concepts woven into PHP, Perl,C,C++,
>Java or anything else....although there may well be similar things but *well*
>hidden as they should be
>If someone came up with a KKK language it might be attractive for members of
>the KKK but would generally be consideredly highly unacceptable and would attract
>much criticism. If someone came up with a language/interpreter based on their
>favourite TV show like I dunno 'Friends' or whatever it would be seen as ridiculous.
>If I came up with a scripting language called 'Ben Elton' then that would have
>extreme political overtones and just invoke all Ben Eltons extreme left wing
>At the least MPFC is divisive (you either find it funny or you don't)
>Surely the uptake and use of a particular language (to solve a particular niche
>or set of problems) is at least in part due to the perceived politcal and artist
>*neutrality* of that language.
>If the author and contributors to Python wish to only encourage Python use
>on the basis that the end user has great admiration of MPFC (as amusingly hinted
>at by one of the other authors in this thread) you should perhaps restrict
>access to and related sites and authenticate on that basis and call
>it a private members club....
>Cuddly cartoon characters like the Snake, or various BSD creatures = highly
>acceptable and good.
>MPFC = too aristically/politically/socially 'loaded' to be acceptable.

<amazed> Unbelievable... "socially loaded"... unbelievable...

>Please drag the Python and image out of the stuffy past and in line
>with similar projects

And you sir, are a Troll.

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

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