Cell objects and their values

Robert Brewer fumanchu at amor.org
Wed Apr 21 19:06:41 EDT 2004

Say I obtain a cell object via:

>>> def f():
... 	y = 3
... 	def g():
... 		return y
... 	return g
>>> f().func_closure[0]
<cell at 0x011787F0: int object at 0x002F9320>

Is there a way to get the value of the int (f.y) which is referenced by
the cell, without inspecting (or even having a reference to) f? That is,
using only the object "g()" and its attributes, I'd like to obtain the
same value for LOAD_DEREF that the interpreter does; in the same way
that I can access g.func_globals, I'd like something similar to
"g.func_cellvars" (not just the names as in g.func_code.co_cellvars, but
the values)...

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at amor.org

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