Python is faster than C

Stephen Horne steve at
Tue Apr 6 12:10:25 EDT 2004

On 03 Apr 2004 18:23:11 -0800, Paul Rubin
<> wrote:

>Armin Rigo <arigo at> writes:
>> Ideally: If you do  x=range(100); x[50]='hi'  then the interpreter first
>> builds this optimized range representation and assigns it to x; and when
>> in the next statement you modify this list x it says 'oops! i cannot do
>> that with this representation', so it reverts to an array-like
>> representation (i.e. it creates all 100 elements) and then changes the
>> 50th.  No gain here.  If on the other hand you only ever do 'easy'
>> things with your list, like iterate over it or read elements, then it
>> can all be done with the range representation, without falling back to
>> the array representation.
>Maybe there is something to this.  

The problem is, once you start where do you stop.

At the moment, Armin suggests optimising the a list consisting of a
single repeating item. But what about optimising a repeating list with
one or two special cases, so that the "x[50]='hi'" above doesn't incur
a penalty?

Consider integer lists - what about optimising arithetic progressions?
Geometric progressions? Progressions with special cases? Progressions
that are the intersection, or union, or whatever of other

If the internal implementation doesn't special-case the implementation
of operations on these, all you have is lazy evaluation. But if the
internal implementation adds special-case implementations of
operations, you either end up with an huge number of special case
implementation methods (other parameters can end up with special-case
implementations, not just 'self') or you have to implement what
amounts to a full algebraic solving engine in the Python interpreter.

Or else you can just choose to special case the really important types
and operations, which I believe Python already does to some degree (an
integer is a special case of a long integer, for instance, and an
iterator is a special case of a list with only a subset of the
operations available to a standard list) and provide the programmer
with the tools to easily implement any further special cases that he
may need.

Steve Horne

steve at ninereeds dot fsnet dot co dot uk

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