CamelCase versus wide_names (Prothon)

Mark Hahn mark at
Thu Apr 15 11:17:08 EDT 2004

We have agreed in Prothon that unlike Python we are going to be 100%
consistant in our var and method naming.  We will not have run-together
words like iteritems, we are going to always have seperated words like

Now we are in the midst of a discussion of camelCase versus wide_names.  So
far our arguments are:

1) CamelCase is more elegant, modern, more readable, and more efficient in
character usage.

2) Wide_names is cleaner, more readable, compatible with C, which is the
standard module language for Python and Prothon.  Wide_names is also the
Python standard.

Of course in the Python world you alread have wide_names as your standard,
but could you for the moment pretend you were picking your standard from
scratch (as we are doing in the Prothon world) and give your vote for which
you'd prefer?

Thanks in advance...

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