Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Thu Apr 1 14:25:22 EST 2004

> You can't count Camilo in with the spoilers - Camilo obviously believes
> that my 'goto' module is some kind of prank fiction, when in fact it's a
> working module ready to be downloaded and used.  There's probably a word
> for this but I've no idea what it is...

While I (generally) dislike april fools pranks, after reading this I 
gave it a shot.  Low and behold, it works.

Perhaps you should have released it on April 4 or so, just to not be 
accused of trying to dupe people.

Of course, I suppose the prank is that people think it is a prank, when 
in fact, is actually truth.

  - Josiah

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