Don't understand wxPython ids

Doug Holton insert at
Wed Apr 28 01:16:12 EDT 2004

>>I can only think of one reasn why they chose to use ids in the first 
>>place. Assigning many objects the same id allows you to use one EVT_* 
>>call for those objects. But is that really a useful feature? Who knows?
> That's about the only thing I could think of. The few
> situations where I'd have wanted to do someting like that I'd
> gladly put a for-loop iterating over a list of objects in
> exchange for being able to use single-line of code the other
> 90% of the time.

Right, there a couple of special cases to think of when designing event 
bindings for a gui toolkit.  One is where you want multiple controls to 
share the same event handler (like a button and a menu item that do the 
same thing).  Another case is allowing people to change event bindings 
"on the fly", after a window constructor has already been called and the 
window set up.

I proposed some changes similar to you, see this thread:
but nothing came out of it.  I did code up an implementation for Wax 
( ), but I don't know if it was 

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