Escaping characters in MySQLdb query

Michael Walter cm at
Tue Apr 13 08:47:58 EDT 2004

Rob Williscroft wrote:
> Sean Berry wrote in news:AkEec.271$U83.155 at fed1read03 in
> comp.lang.python: 
>>I wrote a little script that is inserting thousands of records into a
>>mysql database.
>>How do I escape characters like ' in my insert statements?
>>I have something like the following (much shorter) example:
>>c.execute("INSERT INTO records (var1, var2) values ('%s', '%s')"  
>>%(value1, value2))
>>My problem is when value1 is something like "Tom's auto supply".  The
>>' in Tom's needs to be escaped.  How can I do this?
> IIUC this is (mostly) a SQL question. 
No, this is a do-I-know-my-library-well-enough-to-make-my-life-easy 
question ;) Note that both richard and me are actually passing the 
format string arguments as a *separate* argument to execute(). If you 
then have a look at the MySQLdb source code, you will see that those 
arguments get quoted automagically using the connections' literal_blabla 

Hence, c.execute("SELECT %s", "fooo'bar") will actually execute "SELECT 
'fooo\'bar'" in the database.


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