Socket error: 10053 software caused connection abort

Krzysztof Stachlewski stach at
Thu Apr 15 13:57:24 EDT 2004

Jean-Pierre Bergamin wrote:

> Jean-Pierre Bergamin wrote:
>>I'd be glad if someone could test theses scripts to see if this error
>>also occurs on other coputers and systems.
>>Or is there anything wrong with the code?
> Could anyone reproduce this error?

Yes I could observe this error some time ago.
It is not related to Python but it is rather a Windows Sockets error.
Searching the google I have found this description of the error message:
Try to use a sniffer like Ethereal and see what packets
are sent and received from the network.

Stach  Tlen: stachobywatelpl, GG: 1811474
        Jabber: stach at jabber atman pl

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