here document as script and read from stdin

Eddie Corns eddie at
Wed Apr 21 07:33:09 EDT 2004

Robin Becker <robin at> writes:

>Is it possible to use python with a shell HERE document as the script 
>and read the standard input? In other words make python usable as a 
>filter with a side input?

>It doesn't seem to be obvous unless I can somehow use the -c option.
>Robin Becker

python -c "`cat <<OOK
from sys import stdin
for line in stdin:
  print line.upper(),
  print 'ha ha', "ho ho"

ie the value of -c can be a complete program as long as you keep the newlines
intact and don't mess up the quotes.  However it would probably be a lot
simpler to copy the script to a temp file and execute that (ignoring
pathological security issues).

(Only tested with bash!)


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