Don't understand wxPython ids

Grant Edwards grante at
Tue Apr 27 18:05:44 EDT 2004

I've decided to learn wxPython, and I'm afraid I just don't
grok the whole "id" thing where you have to pull unique
integers out of your, er, the air and then use those to refer
to objects:

>From whe wxPython wiki examples:

  self.button =wxButton(self, 10, "Save", wxPoint(200, 325))
  EVT_BUTTON(self, 10, self.OnClick)

Does the 10 have any function other than as a handle that
allows you to refer to self.button in the EVT* call?

You're supposed to just make up unique id numbers for objects
when a) they've already got unique id numbers [at least the id
builtin thinks so] and b) they've got names that make things
even more readable? 

This feels very assmebly-level.  No, it's even worse than
assembly language, since even assembly language has labels and

Why not this:

  self.button =wxButton(self, 10, "Save", wxPoint(200, 325))
  EVT_BUTTON(self, self.button, self.OnClick)

Or better yet this:  

  self.button =wxButton(self, 10, "Save", wxPoint(200, 325), action=self.OnClick)

This last way seems pretty intuitive...

Can somebody clue me in on the advantages of the
progrmmer-generated integer id numbers for objects?
Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Now KEN and BARBIE
                                  at               are PERMANENTLY ADDICTED to
                                 MIND-ALTERING DRUGS...

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