Deleting objects - my earler post got garbled

Thomas Philips tkpmep at
Thu Apr 22 16:09:06 EDT 2004

I have a question about deleting objects. My game has two classes,
Player and Alien, essentially identical, instances of which can shoot
at each other. Player is described below

class Player(object):
    #Class attributes for class Player
    n=0 #n is the number of players

    #Private methods for class Player
    def __init__(self,name): = name
        self.strength = 100
        Player.n +=1

    def __del__(self):
        Player.n -=1
        print "I guess I lost this battle"
    #Public methods for class Player
    def blast(self,enemy,energy):

    def hit(self,energy):
        self.strength -= energy
        if(self.strength <= 50):

I instantiate one instance of each class: 
Hero = Player("Me")
Villain = Alien("Not Me")

If Hero hits Villain with 
Hero.blast(Villain, 100), 

Villain dies and executes its destructor (__del__). The game then
ends. However, 

1. When I execute the program in IDLE, IT FINISHES BY EXECUTING THE
DESTRUCTOR FOR BOTH HERO AND VILLAIN. How can this be? As one of the
two objects was destroyed prior to the end of the game, how can it be
re-destroyed when the program ends?

2. After Hero hits Villain with an energy of 100, Villain executes its
destructor, but I find I can then type
and have the alien (whose demise had me gloating) blast me right back!
Why is it that the blast() method works for an object whose destructor
has been executed?

Thomas Philips
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