Difficulty Finding Python Developers

Jonathan Daugherty cygnus at cprogrammer.org
Thu Apr 15 09:23:24 EDT 2004

# If I were his management, here I might say, "But I thought you
# said Python was older than Java!  If it's so good, why hasn't it
# caught on more than Java?" or "How can it build on the strengths
# of Java when it's older?"

The supposition that something is inherently good or better does not
imply that it will become popular.  Managerial mandate and hype
usually determine "popularity." :)

# or worse?  And wouldn't the best programmers be using the most
# popular languages, because they would make more money that way?"

Whether one is a good programmer and whether one is out to let
one's salary determine one's skill set are two totally different
qualities.  People who use 'popular' languages are rarely the best
programmers *because* they use popular languages; it's not that

    _  ,^.  _    
  ,'/ -' '- \`.  
 / |   \ /   | \   Jonathan Daugherty
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|   \_,' `._/   |  http://www.cprogrammer.org
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 \             / 
  `.         .'  

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