On: 'The Python CSV Module and Legacy Data'

Paddy McCarthy paddy3118 at netscape.net
Mon Apr 26 16:42:00 EDT 2004

I read http://radio.weblogs.com/0124960/ which has a quoted number in
a csv file being interpreted as a string.
I checked it out with my csv2txt utility
And that does seem to be the case.

Should this action not be thought of as an error?
If the csv module reads a quoted string shouldn't it present it
internally as a string?

Since the csv reader is intelligent, maybe the correct proceedure
would be for it to:
 * If it only sniffs out numbers held in strings then change all
strings containing valid numbers to numbers.
 * If it initially sniffs out unquoted numbers, or no numbers at all,
or a mixture of quoted and unquoted numbers, then return un-quoted
numbers as numbers and quoted numbers as strings.

Or we could explicitely tell the CSV module what to do with quoted
number strings!

I haven't checked what the csv writer does with a string that could
also represent a number. Will it quote that on output? hmmm...

Cheers, Paddy.

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