outline-style sorting algorithm

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Apr 29 14:03:40 EDT 2004

"Thorsten Kampe" <thorsten at thorstenkampe.de> wrote in message
news:c2bdjg9l06p2.dlg at thorstenkampe.de...
> If made some tests with lists of one million items:
> The first test was with a randomized sequence of numbers from 1 -
> 1000000. Duplicate numbers were allowed. The comparing function was
> the identity (lambda x: x).

I do not understand what you did, and therefore cannot judge results.  A
compare function takes two args (the objects to be compared) and
returns -1, 0, 1.  (I believe 0, 1 for <= or >t may be sufficient
currently).  How did you use the one-param identity?

Terry J. Reedy

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