Is Perl *that* good?

Carl Banks imbosol at aerojockey.invalid
Wed Apr 28 02:18:41 EDT 2004

Wallclimber wrote:
>>     Asun> Probably the only time I would reach for Perl rather than for
>>     Asun> python is when I knew a task involved a lot of regex (and no
>>     Asun> object orientation).
>> Why?  I write non-object-oriented Python code all the time.  To make the
>> Python/Perl switch you'd still have to shift your mental gears to deal with
>> a different syntax, different way of getting at and using functionality that
>> isn't builtin, etc.  Even with lots of regex fiddling to do, I think the
>> extra overhead of using regexes in Python would be swamped by the other
>> differences.  In addition, as Jamie Zawinski suggests, regular expressions
>> are not always the best choice.
> I have to agree with the original poster. My *only* complaint about
> Python are not regex search, but regex search and replace operations.
> Perl   : s =~ s/(\w+)\s*=\s*(\d+)/$2 <= $1/g;
> Python : regex.sub(s, "(\w+)\s*=\s*)\d+)", (lambda m:" <=
> "
> I didn't try this out so there might be some syntax problems in there,
> but you get the idea. Is there a 'nicer' way to do this in python?
> Using 'group' and lambda functions is really quite messy. (An,
> obviously, in real life usage, the replacemant function can be much
> bigger...)
> I'd be most grateful if somebody could show me a cleaner way to do
> this.

Define the following helper function (mrd stands for match replace
dict, I wanted something small, call it what you want):

    def mrd(m):
        d = {}
        for i,g in enumerate(m.groups()):
            d[str(i+1)] = g
        return d

Then your regex becomes:

    regex.sub(s, "(\w+)\s*=\s*)\d+)", "%(2)s <= %(1)s" % mrd(m))

Were you aware that, when a dict appears on the right side of string
interpolation operator %, you can reference values in the dict by
name?  That's what the above trick does.  Not quite down to Perl
minimalism, but clean.

CARL BANKS            
"If you believe in yourself, drink your school, stay on drugs, and
don't do milk, you can get work." 
          -- Parody of Mr. T from a Robert Smigel Cartoon

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