How to define an Interface in Python 2.2.2?

Doug doug at
Thu Apr 8 22:38:11 EDT 2004

Boo Yah wrote:
> Does Python 2.2.2 support Interface (as PHP 5 does) ?
> If so, how can i define it in Py 2.2.2?

Python doesn't directly support interfaces.
What most people for an interface is to create a class where
the methods raise a NotImplementedError. For example:

class MyInterface:
     def method1():
         raise NotImplementedError
     def method2():
         raise NotImplementedError

class MyClass (MyInterface):
     "implements MyInterface"
     def method1():
         some code here...
     def method2():
         some code here...

But see this page for some attempts at creating interfaces
for Python:

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