Python 2.3 on RedHat 9

Bill Scherer Bill.Scherer at
Fri Apr 16 07:08:55 EDT 2004

simo wrote:

>Bill Scherer <Bill.Scherer at> wrote:
>>>Did you install on top of Python 2.2 or did you install in a separate 
>>>directory (eg the default)? 
>>2.3 prefix is /usr/local, RedHat's installed python prefix is /usr
>Yes, and that seems to be the root of all evil for me - everything I
>install wants to go into the /usr/<lib or bin>/python2.2 directories
>instead of /usr/local/<lib or bin>/python2.3!
>Forget the RPMs, 
Many RPM's are relocatable; from the rpm man page:

--prefix NEWPATH
For relocateable binary packages, translate all file paths that
start with the installation prefix in the package relocation
hint(s) to NEWPATH.

For relocatable binary packages, translate all file paths that
start with OLDPATH in the package relocation hint(s) to NEWPATH.
This option can be used repeatedly if several OLDPATH’s in the
package are to be relocated.

>compile everything from source is my advice (I
>installed 2.3.3, VPython, Installer, wxPython, PyQt, SIPs,
>What annoyed me was when I was evaluating LindowsOS and "apt-get
>install libwxgtk24" installed everything for me (including Python
>2.3.3!) in about 3 minutes as apposed to about 8 hours of compilation
>time and hunting around for source tarballs! It was even easier that
>Windows I think!
I too compille most of the Python add-ons I use.
It's never taken 8 must be the 3Ghz cpu...;-)

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