AOP use cases

Peter Hansen peter at
Fri Apr 16 12:44:24 EDT 2004

Peter Hansen wrote:
> I would be very interested to hear some real-world and real useful
> use cases for AOP as well.  So far, the logging example seems to
> be put forth so often that I'm starting to suspect that's the
> *only* "useful" thing people are doing with it. :-)
>  From direct personal experience, could some AOP folks please
> point out some compelling use cases so that the doubting
> Thomases (and Wills, and Peters) can better understand and
> accept the idea of AOP as being more than just a few fringe
> cases?

Thanks for the replies so far, but what concerns me is that
almost no one seems to have actually used AOP in their code.

Okay, I realize this is not the best forum to find a bunch of
AOPers, probably, so I'd like to expand the request to include
pointers to clear descriptions of *others'* compelling uses
of AOP.  Not just cool or theoretical ideas, but actual
cases of AOP having been used for things where non-AOP
would have been much more awkward or involved or something.

The logging example is okay, yes, but another problem I have
with it is that it's very development-oriented.  It doesn't
do anything directly for the user in terms of helping implement
user functionality.  Same goes for the contract aspect, which
while probably very helpful for doing dBc in some cases, appears
just to make a particular development style go easier.

I'm not sure I'm asking this in the right way, but does AOP
provide one with the ability to do anything useful in terms
of actual end-user functionality, and if so please point me
to a description of a real-world case where it did so.

I'm not actually anti-AOP, just completely on the fence about
the possible benefits.  I like the Fourier Transform way of
viewing it, but it's possible to relate FTs back to the real
world in a pretty direct manner as they just allow an easy
way to work in the frequency domain.  What, in the AOP world,
is the equivalent to "frequency"?


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