CamelCase versus wide_names (Prothon)

Paul Rubin http
Fri Apr 16 02:58:08 EDT 2004

"Michael Geary" <Mike at> writes:

> I edit my Python code with Slick_edit and Active_state Komodo. I use an IBM
> Think_pad, largely because I like its Track_point pointing device. I enjoy
> taking pictures with my Canon Power_shot camera, and I use a Pre_sonus
> Blue_tube preamp when I play harmonica. Today I drove by Office_max, and I
> saw ads for the Double_tree hotel and Lufthansa's Private_beds and Fly_net.
> Is that easier to read?

Except for Private_beds, those are all basically single words that some
marketroid put capital letters in the middle of.  They'd be better off
written as single words, which is how must people write them outside
of advertising copy: Slickedit, Activestate, Thinkpad, Powershot.

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