why is python better than eg. smalltalk?? no one has any solid arguments! you should all go to church with all that religious talk!

Daniel Dittmar daniel.dittmar at sap.com
Thu Apr 8 06:09:01 EDT 2004

Carlo v. Dango wrote:
> OK, I'm on the python wagon as well, but I do not really se much
> improvement over JAVA... especially when it comes to maintaining and
> reusing code (e.g. API's)... here the types are really helpful. So

If you name a post with a subject about 'python and smalltalk' and then
start about 'python and java', then bondage and discipline languages are
definitely the right thing for you ;-)

The topic of static vs. dynamic types been discussed a lot here and

> Also, I see all this advocacy of python which to me seems more like
> religion.. there is no concretenes in it, and I completely fail to
> see how python beats any of the other dynamically typed languages
> such as smalltalk or self... what is it with you guys? :)

When I started using Python, there were two reasons:
- no good free eimplementation of Smalltalk
- Smalltalk doesn't scale well to small tasks

Point 1 has probably changed with Squeak. But I'd really have to use it for
a while to be confident enough to inflict it upon others.

Don't know about point 2: When I had a new version of some small 'script', I
had only the alternatives
* to distribute full images
* to distribute source which the users had to integrate into their images
Maybe this has changed as well.


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