painful debugging: techniques?

David Bolen db3l at
Wed Apr 7 12:20:37 EDT 2004

"Humpty Dumpty" <oliver.schoenborn at> writes:

> I'm wondering if there are tricks people use to track down problems like
> this.

Perhaps not so much a trick as much as experience, but after working
with Python a bit, you'll find that any time you see something like
'NoneType not a callable' (or really any type) it pretty much says
that some object in your program should be a callable (function,
method, etc..) but is None (or the other type) instead.  So in general
I'd immediately start looking for uses of None in my code (or ways in
which my code could generate None at runtime).

Now, depending on how much new code you had written before the error
started happening could help bound your search, and/or depending on
the complexity of the code being tested you might be able to insert
judicious prints at various points to check the value of objects.  As
someone else pointed out, if you were proceeding in a test first
fashion you'd be at an advantage here since you would have high
confidence in existing code and that the error was introduced (or at
least tickled) specifically by whatever small amount of new code you
wrote since the last test execution.

Also, since the error was occurring on cleanup, it's related to
objects still alive at that time.  So that would help indicate that
you should focus your search on objects that live throughout the
duration of the test, as opposed to more transient code.

Not sure how much that would have streamlined this case (it is fairly
tricky given the gap between source of error and eventual failure),
but it sounds like just focusing on your uses of None would have at
least selected the weakref.ref call as a potential issue fairly

-- David

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