CamelCase versus wide_names (Prothon)

Wilk wilkSPAM at
Fri Apr 16 06:07:48 EDT 2004

"Leif B. Kristensen" <junkmail at> writes:

> Hugh Macdonald rose and spake:
>> On a qwerty keyboard, _ is SHIFT+- (to the right of 0)
> In my part of the world, _ is also Shift+-, but it's to the right of
> the . (period). In OO programming in general that's a bit awkward as I
> frequently type a dot where I want an underscore and vice versa. This
> is an error that often can be very hard to spot. So, this may be an
> argument for camelCasing, - which I actually haven't used much since my
> TurboPascal days.

Why not - instead of _ ?

def my-function()

it doesn't need shift on azerty and qwerty isn'it ?

and we already use it in natural langage...

Wilk -

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