Tkinter: cut'n'paste from DISABLED window?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Fri Apr 16 06:49:33 EDT 2004

Michael Geary wrote:

> I don't know if this will help, but maybe it will provide a hint...
> In a native Windows app, the way you do this is to make the edit control
> read-only instead of disabled. For example, if you right-click a file in
> Windows and select Properties, you'll notice that you can select and copy
> text from any of the text fields in the General tab of the property sheet.
> The way this is done is by making those text fields Edit controls with the
> ES_READONLY style (and without the WS_DISABLED style).

Tk's Text widget is a custom widget, which doesn't rely on Windows native

however, in recent versions, many Tk entry widgets supports both
and state="readonly", but I don't think this is yet available for the Text

as for the original poster, the best way to solve this is probably to add
mouse bindings for this widget.  here's a start (needs a bit of tweaking,
but you
get the idea):

    w.tag_config("mysel", background="blue", foreground="white")

    def start(event):
        index = w.index("@%d,%d" % (event.x, event.y))
        w.mark_set("myanchor", index)

    def drag(event):
        index = w.index("@%d,%d" % (event.x, event.y))
        w.tag_remove("mysel", 1.0, END)
        w.tag_add("mysel", "myanchor", index)

    def copy(event):
        text = w.get("mysel.first", "mysel.last")
        if text: add to clipboard

    w.bind("<Button-1>", start)
    w.bind("<B1-Motion>", drag)
    w.bind("<Control-C>", copy)


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