ANNOUNCE: 'goto' for Python

Richie Hindle richie at
Sun Apr 4 17:21:43 EDT 2004

> If i am right i sure could have used 
> this 2 weeks ago. I am a python noob and I eventually just set a "skip 
> this" flag with an if statement.

Oh dear... I think it's time to knock this one on the head (unless
pxlpluker is cleverly continuing the joke, in which case hats off to you
because you were very convincing 8-)

To all the Python newbies: the 'goto' module was an April Fool's joke.
Yes, it has a working implementation, but it was a joke nevertheless.
No-one would suggest that goto or comefrom are good ideas for Python.
Please don't use them in real code!

I think the module may have one legitimate use: as the basis for test
implementations of *sensible* new control flow structures for Python.
Every couple of months there's a thread here about how the 'while'
construct isn't powerful enough - maybe next time we can have a working
implementation of the latest suggested alternative, based on the
techniques used by

I've enjoyed this thread immensely, and I hope others have too, but let's
call a halt to it before it does some real damage.  8-)

Richie Hindle
richie at

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